galxy_240x320 - 每个用户可以:1.交友。 2.买一颗行?,使它在银河中最受欢迎。 3.结婚(夫妻的性取向不重要),离婚,有孩子。 4.保持宠物。 5.创建和领导一个帮派或加入任何现有的帮派。 6.添加照片(通过移动或计算机)。 7.参加照片比赛。 8.直接从聊天中发送电子邮件和短信。 9.在商店买东西,给予和接受礼物。 10.改?字符的外观。 11.装饰他/她的?球。 12.发布公共和个人博客。 13.参加测验,运动投注,GalaFootball。成为顶级球?! ...等等银河的宪法1.每个Galactian有权利进行舒适的沟通2.使用错误的语言?禁止在聊天,以及?称和地球名称。 3.禁止任何侮ults和洪水。 4.禁止任何形式的纳粹主义,种族主义,暴力宣传。行?的拥有者有权在他们的行?上设置他们的命令,这不符合宪法。 6。如果私人?球上没有所有者和观察者,主持人有权制定自己的政策(使用粗言秽语和侮辱来监禁)。 7.禁止广告任何互联网资源,除了聊天的?方资源(,。 8.禁止投入监狱:如果有人要求这样做,或者只?因为你没有任何理由将你从地球上搬离了主持人。 9.禁止公会与每个人和某些用户进行斗争。如果违反,部落将关闭! 10.禁止降级拥有主持人和?级主持人特权的人物的地位,并侮ult他。 11.禁止出售角色,部落,物品,行?(行?拍卖除外),地球主管和充值代码的职位。违反本段将受到?止角色的惩罚。 12.禁止欺诈和勒索。

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2 注释
c821n 25 Aug 23
>3. Get married (the sexual orientation of the couple is not important), divorce, have children.ꓔꓧꓲꓢ ꓧꓮꓢ ꓔꓳ ꓐꓰ ꓖꓣꓲꓠꓓꓣ
c821n 25 Aug 23
>5. The owners of the planets have the right to set THEIR orders on THEIR planets, which don??t contradict the constitution.>6. If there is NO OWNER and NO OBSERVER on the private planet, moderators have the right to set their own policy (to put into prison for using foul language and insults).
>7. It is prohibited to advertise any internet resources, except the official resources of the chat (,
>8. It is prohibited to put into prison: if somebody asks to do it, or just because you were moved from the planet by moderators without any reason.
>9. Clans are prohibited to fight against each oher and against certain users. In case of violation the clan will be closed!
>10. You are prohibited to downgrade the status of the character who has a privilege of Moderator and Senior moderator and insult him.
>11. It is prohibited to sell characters, clans, items, planets (except planet auctions), positions of planet supervisor and top up codes. Violation of this Paragraph will be punished with blocking of the character.
>12. Fraud and blackmail are prohibited.
ꓠꓳꓪ ꓲ ꓝꓰꓰꓡ ꓡꓲꓗꓰ ꓔꓧꓲꓢ ꓲꓢ ꓟꓳꓣꓰ ꓳꓝ ꓮ ꓚꓳꓟꓟꓴꓠꓲꓢꓔ ꓢꓧꓲꓔꓧꓳꓡꓰ