The game is based on the events of one of the most expected films of the year - Men in black 3.
Play as agent J and take part in the battle against alien beasts.
Set off to the future or maybe even to the past, use different guns, blasters, gadgets, meet hordes of aliens!
Features of MIB 3 game:
- 游戏�?�根据2012年最受期待的电影之一,黑衣人3 制作的
- 广泛的武器和MIB小工具
- 事件发生在我们的日子和1969年
- 曼哈顿,科尼岛,卡纳维拉尔角和MIB总部的10个级别
- 你将会遇到来自MIB宇宙的外�?�人
2 注释
Onyeka 20 Aug 22
I have been waiting for this game for year'ssad .boy 24 Jun 23
cool game hi my facebook sam console lets chat together