Tank Attack 1.0

Tank Attack 1.0
版本: 1.0
上传日期: 24 Jun 18
许可: 免费
人气: 1001
尺寸: 4660 Kb

Rating: 2.6/5 (Total Votes: 19)

The task of this game is the same as in other tank games: you need to destroy your opponents as soon as you see them. You will need to destroy foot soldiers, enemy tanks, bunkers and anti-aircraft gun. You will have some support from air during playing this game: the plane will throw bonuses which give you additional lives, you need to catch them, remember that you are in the battle field.

Features of Tank Attack:

  • 各种敌人:步兵,敌人坦克,掩体和?射炮......
  • 不同的任务
  • Jar
  • 的图形不错
  • 奖金
  • ?有很多其他的东西



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