XXI Century Dictionaries are based on the latest research, considering traditional and the most recent Russian linguistic approaches. The dictionaries reflect all changes and processed that have been taking place in the Russian language for several decades. Strict professional requirements for authors, mandatory expert appraisal by Russian Academy of Sciences, highly qualified editorial and publishing preparation provide the highest level of dictionaries.
Russian Spelling Dictionary ,在一系列“XXI世纪字典”中提出。?基于拼写上的深层语言学研究,?现代拼写词典中最全面的。该词典的作者观察了国内词典的长期传统。词典中的词语在他们的监管写作中给出,具有口音和必要的语法信息。词典数据库包含大约164,000个条目,180,000个单词和短语,包括新的词汇,近年来出现了使用。
版本: 1.3.41
上传日期: 7 Dec 10
许可: 共享软件
价格: 29.95 $
人气: 293
尺寸: 2772 Kb